About the Society


To promote, stimulate and foster interest in horticulture in all it’s aspects in the Launceston area.

The Launceston Horticultural Society

The Launceston Horticultural Society was founded on the 4th July 1838, making it the longest continuously-running horticultural society in Australia. Horticultural societies play a vital, under-studied role in spreading a love of gardening, teaching technical and artistic skills associated with them and growing an important domestic and export industry. They give a rich medium of expression: civic pride, domestic and regional display, economic and cultural advancement that fostered early nurseries, spreading the palette of available plants, feeding businesses as well as private gardens, large or small, rural or urban.
The society runs four flowers shows every year;  a Summer Show, an Autumn Show, an Early-Spring Show and a Late-Spring Show, as well as other events held during the year, including guest speakers joining us at our monthly member’s meetings, held on the third Wednesday of each month at Windmill Hill Hall (High Street, East Launceston).
Membership starts at $15 for individuals and $25 for families which includes four editions of “The Launceston Landscape” publication and free entry to the four Flower Shows held at Evandale Memorial Hall. 
flower show display
Flower show display