LHS Membership
Become a Member
Annual Membership Subscription:
- Adults $18.00
- Family $30.00 (2 adults and children under 16 years)
Membership includes:
- Three editions of our publication The Launceston Landscape
- Free entry to the three Flower Shows held at Evandale Memorial Hall.
General Meetings:
- Held at Windmill Hill Hall, 18a High Street, Launceston, on the third Wednesday of each month
- Regular guest speakers, competitions, raffles and supper included.
Special interest group meetings: (see here for more information)
- Cactus & Succulent
- Floral Art
- Bulb and Alpine
- City Park volunteers
Other member privileges:
- Allan’s Garden Centre Prospect gives a 10% discount to members presenting their LHS membership card.
- Members can borrow books and DVDs from the horticultural library located at Windmill Hill Hall.
Application process:
- Download the membership form, then either print it out and post it to the treasurer or send it via email as an attachment (email address on the form).
Payment can be made at a meeting or by direct deposit (details on form).