Special Interest Groups

Cacti & Succulent Group

This group meets at Windmill Hill Hall, East Launceston, at 7.30pm on the FOURTH Wednesday of the month (except December).

We meet to share our plants, knowledge and enjoyment of growing these popular plants. We also participate in every LHS Flower Show, to show the public interesting examples of this fascinating genus.

All members and interested visitors are most welcome to attend our meetings..

Enquiries to Joan – 0419510922 or email

Bulb & Alpine Group

We would like to extend an invitation to all LHS members to attend our Bulb and Alpine Meetings. These are informal get togethers where we discuss alpine plants and bulbs and all aspect of their cultivation. 

Members often bring little treasures from their garden and others can often help with identification of plants or problems they are experiencing. If someone has cuttings, seeds or bulbs to spare they bring them along and share them. 

In the years that I have been attending I have enriched my garden with lots of unusual and hard to obtain plants through the generosity of other members. We each bring a small plate of afternoon tea and I find it is a very pleasant and informative way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

Enquiries to Suzanne MacDonald (03) 6343 1308 or Jean Roper 0407367409

Floral Art Group

We are an informal group and we meet when we can at Glenara Lakes Lifestyle Village where we have the use of an Activities Room.  There is no cost involved for participants in our workshops.  Parking is a cinch – right at the door which means no lugging of buckets of flowers, etc any great distance. 

The workshops cover all aspects of floral art and are attended by open, intermediate and amateurs alike.  Occasionally we have some juniors join us as well.  If you are at all interested in floral art why not come along to a workshop.  There is always a demonstration of floral art or a title that is going to be on the floral art show bench.  For those that are interested in exhibiting, the workshops give you an opportunity to practice your exhibit and get some tips along the way.

Dates of our workshops are generally announced at the monthly LHS meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the month and future dates are often organised at the workshops. 

Enquiries to Gayle Carroll on (03) 6344 9953 or email gandbcarroll@gmail.com